Friday, March 29, 2013

Stepping feet illusion

Look at the image below.
Do the two moving squares seem to be stepping?

Really the squares are going smoothly the whole time. (The illusion is even stronger when you blur your eyes)
Distortion illusions, perspective illusions, feet, stepping



Look at the image below.
Do you see two triangles?

Actually, the triangles don't exist. The cut-outs only make it look like they they are there.
Distortion illusions, Perspective illusions, Triangles, Circles

Teach and learn

Look at the image below.
Does the image say teach or learn?

The object in the image says teach, but when you look at the reflection, it says learn.
Double meaning, teach, learn, reflection

Big circle, small circle

Look at the image below.
Which ball is bigger?

Actually, if you put them up next to each other, they equal the same size.
Perspective illusions, dots, big, small

Moving circles

Stare at the center or around the image below.
Do the circles appear to be spinning?

The circles should look like they are slowly spinning around in the opposite direction.
Moving illusions, circles, opposite direction


Look at the image below.
Which shade of green is darker?

Actually, they are both the same color.
Color and shadow, green


Look at the image below.
Are the stairs upside-down or rightside-up?

Looking at the stairs, they look like normal stairs. But now turn them upside down. Isn't it cool how they're still nearly the same image?
Double meaning, stairs, up, down

Man or Woman?

Look at the image below.
Do you see a man playing the saxophone or the face of a woman?

The cartoon-ish man is playing a saxophone, and his chin is the woman's other eye.
Double meaning, Man, Woman, Saxophone

two faced vase!

Look at the image below.
Do you see a vase or two faces?

It could be either - two faces or a vase. The two faces are looking at each other, and in between them is a vase.
Double meaning, vase, faces

Which line connects?

Look at the image below.
Which line connects to the one on the other side?

Actually, if you said the blue line, look again! If you looked at the other image on the right, you would see that the red line actually connects.
Distortion illusions, Perspective illusions, lines, connects, red, blue

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Beak or boat?

Look at the image below.
What do you see?

Do you see a giant duck holding a man? Turn it over. Now, what should of been the duck's beak, the man is in a boat. The duck's head is a whale, his body an island, and the feet of the giant duck are the trucks of two trees, with the island the duck was standing on now the leaves of the trees.
Double meaning, duck, trees, boat, man

Impossible triangles

Look at the image below.
Is this possible?

As if one impossible triangle wasn't enough... Now we have three impossible triangles impossibly put together!
Impossible objects, impossible triangle, triangles

How many shelves?

Look at the image below.
How many shelves are there?

This is impossible! You can't really accurately count the amount of shelves, it may be three or sometimes four.
Impossible objects, impossible trident, shelves, three, four

Is there green?

Look at the plus in the center of the image below.
Is the green there?

After awhile of staring at the center plus, you should see the black spot in the animated circle begin to turn green. The green isn't actually there. It's a sort of afterimage, except color instead of image.
Afterimage, Color and shadow, dots, green, magenta

Multi-colored bar

Look at the horizontal bar in the image below.
Which grey is darker?

You may be surprised to find that the entire bar is the same color all the way across. If you take away the background, then you'll see that the bar is, in fact, the same shade of grey.
Color and Shadow, dark, grey, light, bar

Uneven circles

Look at the image below.
Are the circles uneven?

When looking at the center, the circles look a bit unstable, or even overlapping. The truth is, the circles are actually perfect.
Distortion illusions, uneven circles, circles

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fake spiral

Look at the image below.
Is there a spiral?

Actually, there is no spiral. Because there is a certain pattern on each separate line, it looks like there's one.
Distortion illusions, imaginary spiral, spiral

Father or son?

Look at the image below.
Do you see a father or son?

Much like the "Young or old?" illusion with the young girl or old woman, in this illusion the son is looking away and the father is looking to the right.
Double meaning, father, son

The eskimo indian

Look at the image below.
Do you see an eskimo or indian?

It can be both! The indian is looking to the left and the eskimo looks linke it might be entering an igloo. You can't see the eskimo's fece. If you can't see one, the eskimo's hand is the indian's ear and the indian's forehead is the eskimo's head. The eskimo's feet are also the indian's neck.
Double meaning, eskimo, indian

What happened to my elephant!?

Look at the image below.
How many legs does the elephant have?

Five? four? maybe more? Really, the elephant has four legs and five feet... but how? Like the impossible trident, this poor elephant is stuck on your computer screen. It is impossible for it to exist in a 3 dimensional space.
Impossible Object, impossible trident (I know this isn't really and impossible trident, but another version of it.), elephant

Disappearing dots

Stare at the center of the image below.
Where do the dots go?

When it seems the dots are disappearing, they are actually still there. The image isn't animated, but your brain can't keep all track of all the sots at once, so some of them seem to disappear.
Shadow and color, disappearing dots

impossible box

Look at the image below.
Is it possible?

 This is an impossible object. It cannot exist in a 3-dimensional space.
Impossible object, box

Crater or hill?

Look at the image below.
Do you see a crater or a hill?

Do you see a hill? Now turn it upside down, do you see a crater? Because of the shadowing, we see different things like a crater or a hill depending on perception.
Double meaning, crater, hill,  upside down

White dove, Red dove

Stare at the dot in the image below for 30 seconds, then look at the blank surface. (Blinking helps)
What do you see?

If you did it correctly, you should be able to see a red dove on a white background.
Afterimage, dove, red, white

Bulging Checkers

Look at the image below.
Does the center of the checkerboard appear to bulge?

The bulge actually doesn't exist. By the special way the dots are arranged on the checkers, the lines look uneven - creating a bulging effect - but they are really parallel like the rest of the board.
Distortion illusions, bulging, checkerboard, dots

Blue Ring

Look at the center dot in the image below.
What happens?

After awhile, the haze should begin to disappear. Although unlike the disappearing grey haze, this one takes way sections at a time instead of the outside seeming to evaporate.
Shadow and color, haze, circle

Wrong phrase?

Read the phrase in the image below.
What does it say?

 If you said "A bird in the bush," read it again! Study it closely... it actually says "A bird in the the bush."
I'm not sure where to classify this, but I guess it would be under 'spot the object" because of the extra "the."
Spot the object, Incorrect phrase, triangle, extra word

Monday, March 25, 2013

T lines

Look at the image below.
Which line in the upside-down T is longer?
Believe it or not, the two lines are the same size! If you look at the ruler, you'll see that each line is exactly 10 inches long.
Perspective illusions, T, measuring

Disappearing fog

Stare at the black dot in the image below.
Does the haze seem to disappear?
After a while of staring at the center of the image, the grey haze should see to disappear!
Color and shadow, haze, grey, disappear

The two lines

Look at the image below.
Which line is longer?

Actually, both lines are the same length! If you take a ruler, then you'll see that they are both equal.
Perspective illusions, compare-the-line

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spinning circles

Fix your eyes on the black dot in the image below.
Does the spiral appear to be spinning?

The circles should appear to be slowly spinning in the opposite direction. Believe it or not, this image isn't animated. It's all your brain!
Moving illusions, Spinning, circles, opposite

The face of a liar

Look at the image below.
What do you see - a face or the word liar?

There are both! If you don't see the word liar at first (And I didn't until someone told me), then it'll help if you tilt the picture sideways.
Double meaning, liar, face, word

Reading troubles

Look at the image below.
Is the book open towards you or lying flat on the table?

It could be either!
Double meaning, open, closed, book

Impossible blueprints

Look at the image below.
What is the first step in building this?
 Well, first you - wait, this is impossible! There is an impossible trident, impossible rectangle, and even impossible screws! It would be very difficult yo build this!
Impossible objects, impossible trident, impossible rectangle, impossible screws, blueprints

Curved square?

Look at the image below.
Is the square straight or curved inward?

If you said curved, then look again! If you take away the rings, then you'll see that the square is actually straight!
Distortion, Curved square, square, rings

Duck! Rabbit!

Look at the image below.
Do you see a duck or rabbit?

There could be both! The beak of the duck is the ears of the rabbit. Which did you see first?
Double meaning, duck-rabbit, duck, rabbit

Two shades of grey

Look at the image below.
Which side is darker?

Believe it or not, both sides are the same color! To prove it, just cover the middle of the picture with your finger. Weird, huh?
Shadow and color, grey, shades

ABC or 123?

Look at the image below.
Do you see a 13 or a B?
It could be either; ABC or 12 13 14.
Double meaning, alphabet, letters, numbers, 13, B

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bird or fish?

Look at the image below.
When do the birds start forming into fish? 

This is a cool example of things transforming before your eyes - without even being animated!

Double meaning, bird, fish

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Chair Illusion

Looking at the first image below,
Is the chair facing towards you or away from you?

As you might have figured out from looking at the second image, the chair is actually facing away. When turned around, that is what the chair looks like (Right image):

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Double meaning, chair, animated, warped

Wobbly square

Look at the center of the animated image below.
Does the square appear to be wobbly?

Actually, this is only our brains. The square is really a normal square with curved edges, no actual waves.

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Distortion, square, animated, wobble

Bent lines

Look at the image below.
Are the diagonal lines bent or straight?

Actually, they are straight! If you remove the smaller zig-zagged lines, you will see that the lines are actually parallel. This is one example of distortion.

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Distortion, lines, parrallel

Snake Circles

Look closely at the snakes.
Do see them moving?

 Actually, the snakes aren't really moving. That's right - this image isn't animated! It is just your brain playing a trick on you.

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Moving illusions, circles, snakes

Checker colors

See this image?
Which of the squares below - A or B - is darker?

You may have read the caption, or you may have guessed on your own, but the two squares marked A and B are actually the same shade of gray! Can you believe it? Here's proof:
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Color and Shadow, same color trick, color, checkers, shadow